1. I will attend the house meeting each week. This meeting is mandatory and I will arrange my work schedule to make it possible for me to attend.
2. I will attend outpatient treatment at NLTC for at least the first 8 weeks and satisfy all requirements of that program.
3. I will obtain and maintain full-time employment or be enrolled in an education program.
4. I will not use any non-prescribed drugs or alcohol.
5. I will mediate any problem with another resident with the assistance of the house manager/caretaker.
6. I will not smoke inside the premises nor permit any of my guests to smoke inside the home. Smoking is permitted only outside the residence.
7. I will not possess any firearms or other dangerous instruments or weapons, and will not possess anything of a dangerous, inflammable, or explosive character that might unreasonably increase the danger of fire.
8. I will comply with of a curfew consistent with my level of responsibility.
9. I will inform the house manager/caretaker in writing if I am planning to be gone overnight and my anticipated return date. All overnight passes must be approved by the house manager and no overnight passes will be approved during the first 30 days.
10. I will comply with random drug tests, conducted at the direction of New Life Treatment Center (Tabitha’s Place).
11. I will keep no animals on the premises.
12. I will make no alterations to the buildings or the premises.
13. I am willing to attend the Intensive Outpatient Program at NLTC and I understand if I am attending Outpatient at New Life Treatment Center, I will be on their premises only during my scheduled outpatient times and at no other times.
1. I will attend a minimum of two (2) outside AA/NA/GA meetings per week.
2. I will obtain a sponsor and maintain weekly contact with her.
3. I will attend the in-house AA/NA/GA every week.
4. I will participate in house activities. I will interact with peers to create a fellowship within our home.
1. I will develop goals to include employment, education and training, financial goals, legal remedies, and child custody issues.
2. I will meet with the house manager weekly to develop and report progress on personal goals.
3. I will develop a savings plan for future housing plans and to prepare for transitioning out of Tabitha’s Place.
1. I will not interfere with any other’s quiet enjoyment of the premises.
2. I will be courteous and considerate regarding the use of TV, radio and personal stereo devices.
3. I will be mindful of the general guidelines on quiet time hours of 10:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.
4. I will be respectful of others’ work and sleep schedules.
I understand that vulgar and coarse language, sexual, racial or personally demeaning remarks and swearing are disrespectful and are not allowed
1. I understand that gambling in any form is not allowed within the house.
. I will work full-time as required (minimum 30+ hours per week.)
2. If I am attending school in place of working, I will be enrolled with a minimum of 12 credits. If I am attending school part-time, I will supplement time with part-time work or service work to reach the 30+ hours per week requirement.
3. I will process any changes in my work/school/service work schedule or status with the house manager/caretaker.
1. I will review the house rules with my guests as applicable. I understand that it is my responsibility to assure that my guests are following the house rules.
2. I will not allow any guests in my personal bedroom. I will keep my guests in the common living areas of the house. Manager’s apartment and upper level of the house are off-limits to guests.
3. Guests will use the bathroom in the basement.
4. I understand that it is my responsibility to make sure common living areas are left neat and clean after a guest visit.
5. I will have my guest(s) visit during normal hours. Guests will not be allowed during the quiet time hours of 10:30 7 a.m.
6. I will not have any overnight guests.
6. I understand if any of my guests are in the possession of any alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia, or weapons of any type; or under the influence of drugs or alcohol while visiting, they will no longer be allowed on the property.
7. I understand that the house manager has the right to disallow visits by any guests that are unwilling to follow the house rules.
I understand that pets are not allowed to live in or visit the premises.
1. When given my weekly cleaning assignment, I agree to have the cleaning complete prior to our next week’s house meeting.
2. I will keep my personal items out of common areas in the house.
3. I will keep my personal space clean, neat and presentable at all times.
4. I will not leave dishes in the sink. I will place them in the dishwasher. If the dishwasher has just completed a wash cycle, I will unload it and then place my dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
5. I commit to doing my part to keep our house clean and neat as a desirable place to live. I will take pride in the house as my home.
6. I agree to make a concerted effort to work together with all of the women who are living in this home.
7. I will help with light maintenance functions as delegated by the house manager/care taker such as taking out the garbage and upkeep of outside area or seasonal cleaning as needed.
I will follow the scheduled use of bathrooms and shower times to allow each resident the ability to be to work/school on time.
1. I will follow the assigned laundry time for the on-site laundry room.
2. I will remove all my laundry from the machines and keep the laundry area neat for the next resident. I will clean the dryer lint trap when I remove my last load from the dryer.
3. I will purchase my own laundry supplies and my supplies will be clearly labeled with my name.
4. I understand when my personal schedule conflicts with my scheduled laundry time; I can trade my time on a week-to-week basis with another resident as long as both residents agree to the change.
Members will shop for and prepare their own breakfast and lunch. The evening meal will be a community meal. The evening meal provides a way to come together at the end of the day for fellowship and sharing of the day’s events. Each member is expected to attend the evening meal unless excused by the house manager. Each member will be expected to contribute to the house food budget for community meals and to purchase pantry supplies. For meals that are shared as a community: planning, grocery shopping, meal preparation and cleanup will be assigned to members on a rotating basis.
1. I will not eat other people’s food that they have purchased unless clearly marked with their intention to share. I will label the food I purchase as my own, unless marked for sharing with others.
2. I commit to eating with other women living in the house whenever possible.
3. I understand that all meals are to be eaten in the kitchen or dining room. Snacks and beverages are allowed in the resident living area.
4. I will not eat in my bedroom.
1. If I am currently taking any prescription medications, I will bring at least a 30-day supply of each medication when I move into the house so I have an adequate supply while I obtain a personal physician in the Woodstock area.
2. I will keep my medications with my personal belongings and not leave them in common areas.
3. I will follow all doctors’ orders regarding medications.
4. If I abuse any prescribed or over-the-counter medications, I am aware I will be asked to move out of the house. This is considered using behavior and there is zero tolerance for using in our home.
5. I will keep the house manager/caretaker informed of any need to bring addictive/pain medicine into the house. I will give a copy of the doctor’s order for the medication to the house manager/caretaker.
1. I will not go into another resident’s room without her permission.
2. I will not borrow another resident’s possessions without her permission.
3. I will not loan money or ask to borrow money from any other resident.
4. I will not display sexually explicit material or any other type of material that may be offensive to the house manager or other members.
1. I understand that sanctions will be issued by the house manager for not following any of the house rules. Sanctions may include earlier curfew times, community service, and contributing to a community fund to be used by the members as funding for activities as a group. Sanctions will be determined by the severity and frequency of the rules that are not being followed. Input from members of the house will also be considered.
2. I understand that rewards may be offered to members that have accomplished their personal goals, have had no sanctions for a period of time, have taken extra measure to show consideration for fellow members, or have helped complete additional maintenance tasks. Rewards could include extended curfews, release from chores for the week, or extra family visits.
1. I will not assign my use of the premises or any part of the premises to any other individual.
2. I understand that any such assignment will be void, and my lease will be terminated.
I understand and agree that New Life Treatment Center (Tabitha’s Place), owner of this property, has the right to enter and inspect the premises and my personal property during the term of my lease and any lease renewals.
I understand that for the following reasons I may be asked to leave immediately and no longer live at the sober house include, but are not limited to any of the following:
1. If I use or possess any alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia. Possession means on my person or within the living space of the house or anywhere on the entire property, including outside space. I understand that I may be drug tested at any time for any reason by the person designated by the owner. I understand that if I fail to submit to the drug/alcohol test, I could be immediately evicted from living in the house. In the event of a false positive test, I understand that I can provide a urine sample to a laboratory for more comprehensive screening at my own expense.
2. If I make threats of violence or act in a violent manner toward any resident or the house manager/caretaker. I understand that no weapons are permitted on the premise.
3. If I were to deal any drugs.
4. If I fail to maintain current with membership payments. I understand that payment is due on or before the 1st day of each month.
5. If I commit any acts of theft, either personal or house property.
6. I understand that the owner reserves the right to consider eviction for any reason at their discretion.
By abiding by these house rules, guidelines and expectations I know that I am an essential part in creating a home that supports recovery, hope and healing.
New Life Treatment Center (Tabitha’s Place) reserves the right to amend or add rules at any time it is determined necessary to do so at which time changes will be reviewed with each resident and each resident will be given an amended copy.
Date:_________________________ _____________________________
Resident Signature
Printed Name
Date:_________________________ ______________________________
Tabitha’s Place Representative
Tabitha’s Place is owned and operated by
New Life Treatment Center
101 Smith Street Dakota St. S., Woodstock, MN 56186
507-777-4321 Fax: 507-777-4284
“A New Life Begins Here”