Paying it forward…
New Life Treatment Center provides quality, professional treatment to our clients. Unfortunately, like everything else worth doing, it comes at a cost. Some of our clients discharge from treatment owing a balance on their account. It is critical that obligation is taken seriously. Often people just want to move forward and leave the legacy of past mistakes behind. We, too, want you to move into your new life. But it is only because others in the past paid their debt that we were here to serve you and/or your loved one. Please be diligent about paying it forward.
We recognize that the ability to pay is sometimes as much a matter of time as it is of resources. We seek to work with you to find an equitable payment plan that works for you and your family.
New Life Treatment Center does not charge finance charges on accounts that are in good standing and are set up with some form of automatic electronic debit on at least a monthly basis. All other accounts will accrue finance charges of 18% annually.
To set up a payment plan and automatic debit, please call 507-777-4321, ext.214 or complete and submit the form below.
If you are having difficulty making the agreed-upon payments, please call to make adjustments.
Please consider moving to E-Statements. Your emailed statement will arrive in your inbox and help us save on processing and postage costs so we can continue helping those still struggling with addictions. For your convenience, we also now offer 2 forms of electronic/automatic payment. Please fill in the information for the auto pay option you choose. If this form is received on or after the 1st of the month, your auto pay withdrawal will begin the following month.
In a spirit of charity and justice, New Life Treatment Center exists in response to God’s calling for a healing ministry to those suffering from chemical addiction and to provide services to all persons in need, without regard to the consideration of age, race, sex, creed, national origin or ability to pay.
Our philosophy on providing care:
New Life Treatment Center is committed to providing care to persons who need substance use disorder treatment and are uninsured, underinsured, ineligible for a government program, or otherwise unable to pay for medically necessary care based on their individual financial situation. Consistent with its mission to make a positive impact in the lives and health of persons and communities by providing quality services guided by Christian values, New Life Treatment Center strives to ensure that the financial capacity of people who need treatment services does not prevent them from seeking or receiving care.
This is not a substitute for personal responsibility. Clients are expected to cooperate with New Life Treatment Center’s procedures for obtaining financial assistance and to contribute to the cost of their care based on their ability to pay. Individuals and/or families with the financial capacity to purchase health insurance are encouraged to do so, as a means of assuring access to treatment services, for their overall personal health, and for the protection of their individual and/or family assets.
This policy is specifically targeted at low-income, uninsured and underinsured clients who meet certain eligibility requirements and is not intended to be applied to insured or self-insured clients who have the means to accept the responsibility for their incurred charges.
New Life Treatment Center policy requires it to make good-faith efforts to collect all accounts and as such, collection agency services may be utilized in accordance with standard business industry practice.
Additionally, New Life Treatment Center recognizes that certain state and/or federal laws do not allow discounts to all clients and as such, New Life Treatment Center will only consider discounts on a case-by-case basis as requested by the client or his or her legal representative or guardian. New Life Treatment Center also recognizes that laws may prevent it from discounting or waiving certain co-pays and deductibles.
Any client can complete an application and apply for financial assistance. Financial assistance can include full or partial adjustments, or referral to state and county assistance programs.
All available financial resources shall be evaluated before a determination regarding financial assistance is made. New Life Treatment Center shall consider the financial resources of the client, as well as other persons having legal responsibility to provide for the client. Special consideration may be given for the client’s primary residence and primary vehicle.
Clients with Healthcare Reinsurance or Medical Savings Accounts are insured for purposes of this policy and the amount on deposit will be considered as an available resource toward payment for services.
Eligibility for financial assistance will be determined using a sliding scale, as well as consideration of available assets and liabilities and any extenuating circumstances.
All information obtained from clients and guarantors shall be treated as confidential to the extent required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and any other applicable federal, state or local privacy laws.
Clients can apply for financial assistance by contacting New Life Treatment Center on 507-777-4321, ext.214 to obtain all application materials. Copies of documents to substantiate income levels and assets shall be provided by the client/guarantor (e.g.: W-2, most recent Tax Return, Pay Stubs, and Bank Statements)
The client/guarantor shall be required to provide information sufficient for New Life Treatment Center to determine whether he or she is eligible for benefits available from insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Workers’ Compensation, third party liability and other federal, state, or local programs.
Should a client need free assistance with completing or understanding this policy or the application materials, they can obtain assistance by visiting New Life Treatment Center or by calling the number found on their statement.
New Life Treatment Center organizations will allow all individuals 90 days from the first post discharge statement to apply for financial assistance.
New Life Treatment Center offers extended payment plans. Any extended payment plans offered by New Life Treatment Center in settling the outstanding bills of clients who qualify for financial assistance shall be interest-free so long as the repayment schedule is met.
Rates will be updated annually each July 1 and therefore during the course of a calendar year two different rates may be used.
Clients shall receive a new statement from New Life Treatment Center that line items out the following: gross charge amount, discount amount applied through the look back method, financial assistance discount amount, and total balance due.
The statement sent to the client will show the gross charges, any financial assistance discounts and the net client responsibility amount.
This policy is subject to change without prior notice, is subject to interpretation by New Life Treatment Center at it sole discretion, and is not intended to create any contractual relationship or obligation. New Life Treatment Center Executive Director shall determine the need for revisions to this policy and shall submit revisions for approval to the New Life Treatment Center Board of Directors.