Take a Tour
The staff at New Life Treatment Center strive to make our facility as welcoming and home-like as possible.
Check Us Out.
This drone video was filmed at our 1st Annual Recovery Month Celebration on September 25, 2021…
Footage filmed and edited by Roger Anderson

Welcome to New Life Treatment Center!

Where the ladies enjoy the sunshine!

Have a seat...


Family visits are a special time...

Ladies' Lounge Area

Closet space is a must!

One of the ladies' bedrooms...

Coin-operated laundry

Ladies' Lounge and Kichenette

Men's Lounge Kitchenette

Where the men relax and watch tv...

Men's bedroom

Men's Outdoor Patio

Men's Recreation Space

Men's Outdoor Space

Men's Group Room


Dining Room - because food matters!

Dining Room

Ladies' Chapel

Men's Chapel

Men's Chapel

Quiet nook...

Serene rural vistas...

Lots of nature and serenity...

Separate Walking Paths for the Men and the Women

Ladies' Group Room/Excercise Space

Ladies Group Room

Ladies' Group Room

Men's Bedroom


A place to gather...
1st Annual NLTC Golf Tournament at the Pipestone Country Club